Saturday, September 8, 2012

SouleMama: SouleMama Sponsor ~ Bliss Beyond Naptime ~



Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Bliss Beyond Naptime.?In Kathy's words:

The Simplicity Parenting Virtual Workshop Series deeply explores the four levels of simplification outlined in Kim John Payne's book?Simplicity Parenting. The first module begins in October with Environment , Rhythm will be offered January, Scheduling in March and, Filtering in May. Each course is a month long, comprised of videos, worksheets and conference calls that walk you through the process of making the changes needed to bring your family life back in alignment with your values and ideals. The four modules are available for purchase separately or as a bundle with the Membership Pass.?

Along with being a certified Simplicity Parenting Leader I am a creative coach that helps mamas with feelings of overwhelm and crafting a more simplified and blissful mama experience. You can find more information about the Get Your Bliss Back, Mama! coaching package.?


SouleMama: Tell us about your background. What path led you to the work you do today?

Kathy:?I use to pour my creative energy into two Etsy shops;? one selling handspun yarn and the other handmade clothing and sewing patterns. But after a few years I began feeling creatively burnt out. I wanted to hoard all that craftiness for my personal projects instead. I brainstormed, and then hired a career coach, to find a path that could connect me with other mamas wanting to embrace more creativity and self-expression in their busy days and share my passion for a more slowed down and simplified approach to parenting and childhood. That's when I decided to become trained as a Simplicity Parenting leader and get certified as a creativity coach.?

?SouleMama: What does a typical day of work look like for you?

Kathy:?I get to bed early so that when I hear our rooster, Gilgamesh, start to crow; five or six o'clock or so, I'm as fresh as a daisy and raring to great the day.? I immediately make myself a latte, enjoying the stillness of a still sleeping house, and sit down to check on email and explore my favorite blogs. When the latte's all gone I begin to shift my focus to more work-related tasks. At eight o'clock I go milk Daisy, our Dexter cow, and usually find the kids are at the table eating breakfast by the time I come in.

I only take on five coaching clients at a time and these calls occur in the early morning, the day the babysitter is scheduled to come by,? or a lunch hour or early evening when my husband Craig can mind the kids.

Other than that I get a bulk of my work done on Saturdays when Craig and the kids go out on some kind of daddy-flavoured adventure; rock climbing, exploring the nature park or taking the garbage to the dump. Sundays I try to stay away from this glowy screen altogether and play alongside Fun Dad!

SouleMama: What inspired you to start your business?

Kathy:?As a first time mom I felt very protective of my sensitive crystal child and felt more comfortable staying close to home, keeping our surroundings uncluttered and protecting ourselves from vulgar noises and images (ie the television). Everything pushed upon us from society and media just felt like too much, too fast and too soon. So it was with great relief I read?Simplicity Parenting?and was able to read another person's beautifully worded, and researched, reasoning behind my intuitive hunches.?

Embracing these principles I observed how unscheduled time and open-ended toys births forth hours of deep play. And with the quiet humming of kids hard at work being imaginative and self-entertaining I relish in the side benefit of time for me to engage in personal creative pursuits; an important aspect of my self-care regimen.

I decided to become a Simplicity Parenting Leader to spread the these principles that can bring focus back on the sacredness of childhood and the importance of protecting it from societal pressures to speed up and consume more. There have been so many breakthroughs in my workshops ~ big ones like family's downsizing and moving into smaller homes; to small ones like a child finally sleeping more peacefully through the night.? It's powerful how such small changes can bring so much connection and richness to our lives?and a peaceful, oasis quality to our homes.?


SouleMama: Is there a special place that inspires you?

Kathy:?The town we live in is a special place that inspires me. We're nestled in a little valley so I wake up each morning with the sensation that I'm being hugged by tree-filled mountains. The beauty of these surroundings inspire me everyday to trust in the abundance of the Universe and in the power and beauty of raw simplicity.




For today's giveaway, Bliss Beyond Naptime?is generously offering the following to ONE winner:?

~ a Crazy Blissed Out Super Simple Membership Pass to my Simplicity Parenting Virtual Workshop Series! ?

(This premium pass offers you access to all four modules of the ecourse series, a copy of the book Simplicity Parenting mailed out to you, as well as a one hour coaching session with me.)


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To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post.?I'll close comments by 9am EST on Sunday, and announce the winner(s), chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after.?

Thank you to Bliss Beyond Naptime!

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